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UncategorizedOctober 3, 20210

Why is “One uniform policy” both good and bad for the company?

In any kind of workplace, uniforms can serve different purposes. As a tactic for consistent branding & as a means of creating a productive environment that promotes equality, work uniforms can greatly impact the overall performance of the workforce.

On the other hand, if the uniform fails to support the workers’ requirements and doesn’t segregate between employees at all, it can lead to a chaotic environment, especially if not well received by employees.

Some basic benefits of wearing uniform at work are:


Advertisement for the company

‘Walking advertisement’ that’s what uniforms are. Once your uniform and logo receive recognition in the society, a uniform becomes a creative strategy to market your company.



With all employees wearing similar outfits, an atmosphere of equality and team work begins to emerge. Employees can work without prejudice against one another, and work as a team towards a specific goal.



Certain employees are required to perform their duties in adverse conditions or an unregulated environment. These require specially built uniforms that can protect the employees from any harm or injury. Being without your protective gears at production areas or when dealing with reactive materials can be one such example where uniforms become a necessity.



Research shows that incorporating uniforms into the workplaces helps employees garner a more professional outlook towards their work. It helps them become engrossed in their work while also assisting in easier movement if the uniforms are designed properly.


Some demerits of wearing uniforms:


Prevent Uniqueness

Wearing a uniform at work builds the idea of equality and teamwork, but it can also be perceived as a way to reduce uniqueness and creativity. Depending on the type of work the employees do, and how the management is viewed by the employees, this kind of issue can be easily resolved.


Hampered Performance

This isn’t true for all uniforms. Enterprises that bulk buy uniforms without testing their durability and comfort for their employees usually face the issue of dissatisfied employees. If a staff member is unable to move properly, if the uniform is not the right size or the cloth used is inconvenient, it can hamper the overall productivity.

BANON UNIFORMS, as a leading custom clothing manufacturer, prevents such disasters by making visits on site, understanding the needs and requirements of the employees and then making garments that best suit the job.

The use of the right material that supports operability makes durable garments that do not require replacement every few years. When employees are able to enjoy the comforts of a uniform customized to fit their needs while being inexpensive, they support the idea of uniforms at the workplace.


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